Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New Hope?

Last year was really not a good year for me. I started my IVF and since then, I'm always weak and having health problems. After my 3rd attempts of trying IVF, my gynae told me that I had polyps (x2) in my uterus and my doctor suggested an operative hysteroscopy to remove them.

The exact cause of uterine polyps is unknown, hormonal factors appear to play a role. Uterine polyps are estrogen-sensitive, meaning that they respond to estrogen in the same way that the lining of your uterus does — growing in response to circulating estrogen. Well, some fertility experts believe that uterine polyps may cause infertility, but there are other doctors who disagree. Studies have found that a woman who has polyps in her uterus has an increased chance of miscarriage after getting pregnant through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). For this reason, IVF doctors usually recommended that uterine polyps are removed before any fertilized embryos are transferred to a woman’s uterus

After long waiting for my appointment and fixed date of my surgery, finally, the surgery was scheduled on 17 Jan 2013.

17 January 2013 - Hysteroscopy (Removal of polyps)

An operative hysteroscopy is a minor outpatient surgery. It doesn't require a hospital stay. During the procedure, the doctor will insert a thin, flexible, lighted scope through my vagina and cervix into my uterus. This allows the doctor to see into my uterus and identify the polyps. The doctor will then insert surgical instruments through the hysteroscope to remove the polyps. I has general anesthesia  during the operative hysteroscopy to decrease discomfort and my fear.

I checked into the hospital (Diaconat Fonderie, St. Sauveur, Mulhouse) at 6.45am. After all the paper administration, I was admitted to my room (108) at 7.00am. By 7.20am, the nurses came and pushed me to the operation room. They prepared all the necessaries. By time I was in the operation theatre, it was 7.45am. I felt so cold and the doctors knew I was cold and they were so kind to cover me a layer of coth (more like a paper) to keep warm. About 5 min. later, my gynae doctor came in and comfort me before the anesthesien put to sleep.

I woke up in another operation room at 9.50am. I saw, there were some patients too and I noticed that I still have wires around me which connect to the monitors to check my pressure & heartbeats and a urine tube which was inserted into my vagina (to help me to urine) . After about 15-20min, I was pushed back into my room.

2 hours later, while having my meals (sandwich), Dr. Blum (my gynae) came in to do his rounds (meaning checking his patients). He told me that he had removed the polyps (x2) and a wall that blocked in my uterus. The, he inserted his fingers into my vagina and the blood burst out! He told me that it's normal that I will bleed for few days.Later, he squeeze my abdomen to check if I have pain. Apparently, I don't have any pain. He removed the urine tube. And since then, I started bleeding. Really bleeds! The pad were full of blood and the nurse had to change the pad for me.

At 2.30pm, the nurse came in and took blood test for me as Dr. Blum need to do test before discharging me. At the same time, I need to do urine test as well. Finally, at 5pm, I discharged from the hospital.

Affect after hysteroscopy procedure:
  1. feel sleepy or groggy from the anesthetic
  2. have some cramps
  3. have trouble urinating the first few hours after the procedure
  4. have a watery or bloody discharge for 3 or 4 weeks
Plan for your care and recovery after the procedure. Find someone to give you a ride home after the procedure. Allow for time to rest and try to find other people to help you with your day-to-day tasks. Don't carry heavy objects.

Went back home and rested the whole evening. And slowly I could feel the pain the building up. I guess the anesthesie affect is totally gone and I could feel the pain in my abdomen. Took a Dolipane (paracetamol) and slept thru the night.

The next morning, when I tried to get up from the bed, I could feel my whole body was aching. It felt like I just did an extremly heavy sport yesterday. It was good that a nurse called at noon time and asked if I had any unusual pain and I told her that I had this terrible body aching and she told me that that it was normal after the surgery.

Time passed by quickly and it's time for me to fly back to my hometown. Couldn't changed the dates of my flight coz we bought them way before the surgery. Well, the surgery was delayed and therefore, it was not anticipated. 1 week after my surgery (25.1.2013), I had to go to the airport at Frankfurt by myself as my hubby had to work and will join 2 weeks later to celebrate CNY in my hometown.

Couldn't imagine how terrible the journey for me from my house to the airport. With my big lugagges and the cold weather outside. I had to upload the luggages from the train to the bus and finally at the aiport (during check-in). The customer services personnels at Frankfurt airport were so unfriendly and unhelpful when I told them that I just my surgery a week ago and needed some helping hands to lift my luggages on the check point chain. Well, since they did responded to my help, I tried to carry the luggage myself and at that moment I could feel the stretch in my uterus. The muscle contracted and pulled.

Other than that horrible experienced, I was glad to arrived safely to my country and see my family again!

4th IVF attempt

The removal of the polyps and the wall which were probably the problem of my infertily and implantation gave us a new hope to try to conceive naturally. So, we tried naturally since then. Unfortunately, it turned out to be not as easy and we still are not pregnant!

Well, after having a long thought, we have decided to give it another try of IVF. Since I have rested my body for a year now (since my last IVF in Sept. 2012), we, especially me, thought that my body could take all the hormones injections now. And probably this time will be a better chance for us as the polyps are gone! It could be our last try for IVF as I think that I'm touching 40 soon and the chances of getting pregnant after 40 even with IVF is even lower. Well, let's crossed our fingers!!

The treatments & procedures

As our last IVF procedure was a year ago, we had to do all the analysis again, e.g: Blood test (for me & my hubby), vaginal analysis & semen analysis.

As the semen analysis results showed there were some infections, my hubby was asked to take some antobiotics for about 10 days. After the treatment, he had to do again the semen analysis. This time, the result was ok.

23rd day after my period, the gynae perscribed me to take Oromone 2 (twice a day) till my next period ( I had my period on 17.10.13) and to continue taking them till 23.10.13 (only in the morning). 

24.10.2013 - Had my blood test in the morning (to check my progesterone level). At noon, the secretary from IVF centre called my husband to give further instructions and next step.
  • Started Gonal-f injection (325Ui) in the evening between 6.30pm - 7.30pm. We had the nurse to come over to our house to do the injections (as it's paid by insurance).


29.10.2013 - Had blood test to check my progesterone level and an ultrasound by Dr. La Marca 8.15am.  The gynae said I had 4 follicles on my left ovary and 2 on my right ovary. They are still small but are good enough to continue the treatment. The secretary as usual called us at noon and gave us further instructions:-
  • Continue Gonal-f (325 Ui) + Cetrotide (0.25mg)

Cetrotide - 0.25mg
31.10.2013 - Blood test to check my progesterone, E2 (Estradiol) & LH level and an ultrasound at 7.30am. So far, the blood test and ultrasound shown a favorable result. The follicles are growing slightly bigger now. The next step  is to continue the same treatment : Gonal-f (325Ui) + Cetrotide (0.25mg)
02.11.2013 - Blood test and did an ultrasound at 7.30am. The ultrasound showed that I had few more follicles and some were still small. There were 3-4 follicles that were at a reasonable size but the gynae advised us that we have to continue the treatment for another few more days. The next steps were to continue Gonal-f (300Ui) + Cetrotide (0.25mg)
04.11.2013 - Blood test and ultrasound by Dr. La Marca at 8am. There more follicles (probably about 9-10) but the sizes were abit too small. Therefore, she wanted me to continue another day of the treatment and will schedule the punction on Thursday. The prescription were to continue Gonal-f (150Ui) + Cetrotide (0.25mg).
05.11.2013 - Only did blood test as there were not necessary to do an ultrasound according to Dr. La Marca. The secretary called at noon and instructed me to take Ovitrelle at 10.00pm tonight and to be present at the hospital on 07.11.13 at 6.20am as I will be the 1st. patient to start the punction procedure. Of course, my hubby has to be there too.

06.11.2013 - The night before the punction, I tooked a shower and washed myself with HibiScrub and shouldn't eat after 10pm.
07.11.2013 - Got up at 5.30am and cleaned myself again with HibiScrub. Get ready and headed to the hospital. Arrived at 6.10am. When were at the hospital :-
  • Went to the reception (1st. floor) for admission (eventhough I had done it 2 weeks before). It just to prevent the hospital that I'm present and to handle and collect some documents. Later, the secretary showed us where to go.
  • At the IVF center, a nurse came and guided us to the office and asked me a few questions regarding my treatment and requested for my blood group type card. Once done, she guided us to our room where I were asked to wear the hospital wear. 5 min later, a nurse came in and gave me a pill (to calme me).
  • I rested on my bed for about 10 minutes before 2 nurses came in and said it's time to push me in the operation room! It was so fast that I don't even have to time to be nervous and I still had my socks on! lol.. At the same time, my hubby went to the sperm collection centre.
  • Once at the waiting room (before they push me to the operation room) about 6.50am, I had to wait for about less than 10 mins before another young nurse came to me and explained to me what she's going to do next. She asked me a few question on my operation (e.g; what kind of operation I'm going to do, who's my doctor, am I allergy to any medication, etc). Then, she continued to prepared the needle (to insert in my wrist) for the anesthasie later.
  • At 7.15am, a group of nurses came to me and push me to the operation theatre. I saw Dr. La Marca and her assistance at Diaconat and my anathesiste, Dr. Muriel KOLMER.
  • Came back to my room at 9.15am.
  • Dr. La Marca came in about 10.30am to check if we had pain and gave us the next presciptions after the punction. She also told us how many ovocytes/eggs were extracted. I had only 5 ovocytes. The next procedures were :-
    • Continue to insert the progesterone  starting from the night after the punction till the day of pregnancy test.
    • to continue the Spasfon for another 5 days.
    • to start taking Lovenox injection starting from the next day of punction, in the morning (starting from 08.11.13) till the day of pregnancy test and to continue for another 1 month if the result is positive.
    • to take blood test twice a week till pregancy test (to check the blood thickness level) and once a week if pregnancy test is positive.
  • Had lunch at the hospital and checked out at 1.30pm 

Progesterone & Spasfon


     Note: Apparently, my hormone level is quite low and Dr. La Marca prescribed Lovenox to help to increase and maintain the hormone level. And probably according to her, it can help in implantation. Lovenox to be taken (injected) in the morning.
08.11.2013 - Went to work as I need to replace for my next week holiday. Well, at about 11am, the lab called me and informed me how many embryo (s) I have after the inseminations. Apparently, there were 5 ovocytes but only 3 were inseminated. Finally, as at 11.30am there were only 1 embryo that were developing and the other 2 embryos were not so promising. They will monitor but so far, I had only embryo. And the lab lady told me that hopefully, it will continue to develop and they will tell me by tomorrow (Sat) if there will be any transfer. Anyway, I still have to the hospital on 09.11.13 with full bladder, to insert the progesterone pill in the vagina and 2 spasfon at 1.30am.
OMG!!!! When I heard she said that, ' hopefully, it will continue to develop and if there will be any transfer on Sat', my heart went down to the cliff. I was in the office but I couldn't react and have to pretend that nothing happened. I was so worried that the embryo will not develop and I will have nothing. No hope, no chance and no baby! It was the worst nightmare for me. I couldn't sleep well and kept on thinking about the worst. I cried so much when I reached home and prayed so much to God hoping that He will hear my prayers. Even my hubby can't do anything for me as I was so down and was kind of lost of hope.
09.11.2013 - Transfer Day!! Eventhough, I had the feeling that I do not want go the hospital, I can't! Well, whatever the result is I had to face the fact! But deep down in my heart I hope that we will still have at least one little embryo. The only hope that we had.
When we arrived at the secretary office, Dr. La Marca came out (so coincidentally) and said that we had 1 embryo. My hubby were so happy and relived and me, I was still shocked and I did not know what my feeling was at that time. I knew I was so damn relieved! We had to wait at the waiting room for our turn. At that moment only, I could feel that my heart started to feel the happiness and hope again. I thought of God who heard my prayers last night and He did not leave me alone. He gave us hope again. I felt there was a hope again and I started to smile. I was so happy and only He and  knows how I felt.
Went into the transfer room at 11.00am. Dr. La Marca told us that we had a good quality embryo with 4 cells after 2 days of fertilization. Then a nurse prepare me for the transfer. After the preparation. another nurse came in with the catheter with our embryo inside and handled it over to Dr. La Marca before she inserted the catheter in my vagina with the help of an ultrasound.
After the transfer was done, the nurse allowed me to lay down fr about 15mins. I did not had this in my last IVF procedure.
Once reached home, I rested almost the whole afternoon in bed. Had abit of cramped.
10 - 13.11.2013 - Rested at home. Did not really lied down on bed. Had my usual house routine but no heavy lifting or anything that required heavy lifting. Started to cook since 10.11.13. Since the transfer I felt like my uterus was abit crampy and burning sensation. Frequently going to WC (I guess caused I drank lots of water).
14.11.2013 - Started to work today.
I had abdomen pain almost everyday till the 8th day after the embryo transfered. There one night (3 days after the transfered), I had a very painful cramps. It was so painful that I sweat heavily.
23.11.2013 - Pregnancy blood test (Beta Hcg) at 7.30am. At 11.00am, we called the diaconat to get the result...........again, NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst day of my life.
25.11.2013 - Had my menses. Throughout my menses (which lasted proximately 10 days), the medications that I took during the IVF process came out together with my menses. The progesterone that inserted in my vagina, came out and it smells terribly (smell of medicines).
26.11.2103 - During my breakfast at 7am, I had such unbearable pain in my uterus. I felt like my uterus is going to explode. When I breathe, I felt that like my uterus is going to come out. Had the pain for about 2 hours.
6.12.2013 - Had terrible headache and spotting.
07.12.2013 - I had heaving spotting in the morning and turned to be medium flow like menstrual flow. Had to wear pad. Had medium flow for 2-3 days. And continue to have spotting for another few more days.
    Year end had arrived and still no good news. Looks like this year is not a year for us either. No chance and our hope is vanished for this year. Friends and family have their new joy to share with us, announcing their new baby arrival, makes me so sad. Hoping that one, it will be my turn to share my good news with them.


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